Meditation Method
To Change You Must Do Something 1000 Times.
This Will Change The Way The Mind and Spirit Operate
This Will Physically Change The World
1. Mental control, focus, and emptying
Find a comfortable posture that allows for a straight spine so chi energy may flow through the 33 vertebrae
A. Now.
Start by finding the Now. Realize that past and future do not exist and have only ever been an illusion of the mind. It has always been, will always be, and is – only Now.
Extend this realization to accept that time does not exist. Time is not linear, this is only an illusion. In fact, every event exists and happens simultaneously – now. Your entire life exists right now.
B. Empty.
Staying rooted in a sharply focused present, focus on the breath and empty the mind of thought and words via a gentle releasing – don’t hold on to anything.
Stay in this mental posture for a significant time.
2. Visualization
C. Unity.
Realize that even as time doesn’t exist, space doesn’t exist. All is one. It is possible to travel or effect influence across billions of light years instantly. Expand your awareness beyond your house, city, country, planet, solar system, galaxy, to the entire universe, to infinity – Expand yourself out to encompass every single atom of matter in this space, feel completely at one with everything then collapse the entire universe with everything in it into a small, unified, singularity of focus.
If you would like to astral project or effect change across distance, practice at this point.
D. Forgiveness.
Practice real non-distance or time specific forgiveness of first yourself then all others. Deeply feel in and triple release any shame, regret, anger, resent. Forgive first yourself and then others of everything and replace with weightless acceptance.
E. Health and Chi.
Imagine a divine, pure, pink/white, powerfully healing ball of light engages your body. Move it around to different parts of your body and up and down your spine focusing on any parts that need extra healing. Visualize your body purging dead cells, cancer cells, toxins, any other dead damaged or harmful things and then replacing with young vibrant healthy cells and elements. Visualize your ideal state of health and physical appearance as if it is achieved fully right Now. Do this on other people if you want.
Practice raising chi. Start at the root chakra and raise the energy through the others focusing on each one and dissolving blocks – especially heart, throat, third eye, until a beam of pure energy is shooting out of the top of your head.
F. Abundance.
Visualize your ideal life and ideal world. This entire visualization is done with the strong sense of it being true completely Now. Be aware of and feeling of it being in the future or some far off, conditional situation. Enjoy the pleasurable feelings of it being Now. Be aware of any blocks. Thoughts and feelings of impossibility or world conditions of prevention – work on dissolving these and feeling as if it is already achieved.
Visualize the type of person you are. Habits, appearance, personality, abilities, achievements, relationships and people in your life, work, possessions, your daily life vibe.
Repeat section 1. to close the meditation