1. Grounding Practice
You need to stay grounded so that no matter what comes your way you can always realize that:
You are first and foremost a vibrational being. You are a multidimensional being with your chakras and other centers operating in other dimensions. You chose to come into this physical dimension at this time to witness the changes and to participate in the changes. Those changes will take place in the physical realm yes, by performing physical action, but the main thing about this time experience, is to realize that thoughts create reality; the main change happening is the change of consciousness and vibration.
[System of how to do this went here]1.5 Time is the primal field.
[What this means as well]2. Start with Gravity
Gravity = God = The All = Unity = Infinity = Force = Manifestation = 1 = Shiva = Krishna = Christ = Creator
Exists in the field of potential = 0 = Shakti = Equals the First the Divine Mother = Equals pure potential
0 = 1
But all is one (the universe presupposed being founded on love. Because it could have a 50% chance of not happening at all)
Sine Wave
[This was explained here]3. Let go and realize that you cannot be more powerful than God, All the Creator. In fact you have zero true power in controlling events of any kind, that is the creator’s job, and you must relinquish all attempts to control the situation, but delegate the results to Krishna, and thus allow the creator’s power to come through you. You delegate contiguous events like in calculus (Watts of power), like take the derivative on the flow of reality, and sacrifice control of all of those events to the creator, essentially wanting nothing, and yet receiving the magical power of nature itself. Thus, wielding the power of the creator, you “create your reality” by being grateful for every second that happens. Beware the devil of omnipotence. Choiceless awareness. Freedom from choice in awareness. Choice or decision is a wobble. It is a spiritual and mental wobbling. Wu Wei is the unblocked mind. The unchoice of the mind. Acceptance instead of decision. You are one with your environment because you know source and sacrifice gita style.
Everything is duality, but there underlies a fundamental “yes” that underlies all of reality. That “yes” equates to love.
11. Implement your minimalist, exo – capitalist, pan urban/wilderness, “between the cracks” technologically advanced bohemian minimalist lifestyle. Compile, demonstrate, and disseminate your knowledge. Minimize organize and mobilize:
Water Access and Filtration and Storage
Food Acquisition Cultivation Preparation Storage
Shelter Acquisition Improvisation Construction Modification
Electricity Acquisition Production Distribution Storage and Utilization
Waste Storage Transport Utilization and Removal
Internet Connection
Clothing System
General Tools To Perform The Above
General Transport of the above systems
Workshop to design create build your own stuff
This is what money should be spent on.
See other people’s souls. Radiate Love
Vibrate the opposite of guilt, shame, and victimhood.